J. Ray Wedin, 61, a Genesee area resident for 42 years, died today at 4:49 a.m. at Gritman Memorial Hospital. He had been ailing since March and was hospitalized in mid-October for treatment of a heart ailment.
A farmer and talented mechanic, Wedin had worked for several Moscow auto agencies and was a past foreman at Thompson Motors, Fahrenwald Chevrolet and Delta Ford.
The past few years he had operated a custom harvesting service, working in the lower elevations in central Washington and in Nez Perce County. He also repaired autos and farm machinery in his home shop.
He was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Wedin was one of twins born on Tahoe Ridge near Kooskia to Jesse and Jessie Leitch Wedin, Dec. 18, 1915. The family, three boys and a girl, later moved to Moscow, where the parents farmed a few miles west of town. Before moving to the Genesee Valley in 1935, the Wedins spent five years on the Fix Ridge farm now operated by Glen Baumgartner.
Wedin was graduated from Moscow High School in 1934. In addition to working as a mechanic, he farmed with his father. During World War II he remained at home to help with the farm while his brothers were in the armed services.
He was married to Carmen Stanley in Pocatello in 1949. Mrs. Wedin had been employed in Moscow at Crites Moscow Growers.
The couple continued to farm the family place about six miles north of Genesee on old highway 95.
Wedin is survived by his wife at the home; a daughter, Charlotte Rucker of Boston; three sons, Charles of Genesee; John of Colfax and Paul at home, and two grandchildren. Two brothers also survive, Roy, his twin, at San Diego, Calif., and Lawrence of Garden Grove, Calif. A sister died previously.
Services are pending at Short's Chapel.
Unknown newspaper, November 9, 1977
Transcribed by Jill Leonard Nock
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