Mrs. Alice L. Watts, 77, a Lewis-Clark Empire resident since 1918, died at 6:02 Friday night at St. Josephs hospital. Death was due to a stroke.
Mrs. Watts, the widow of Charles Watts, lived at 1622 11th avenue.
She was born July 19, 1891 at Foster, Missouri, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Gayley.
She was married to Eli Hollingsworth November 14, 1909 and they moved to Genesee in 1918 and to Lewiston in 1928. They were later divorced and she married Watts in 1936. He died in 1948.
Mrs. Watts is survived by two sons, Elbert J. Hollingsworth and Timothy R. Hollingsworth, both of Lewiston; two daughters, Mrs. Flossie Esser, of Genesee and Mrs. Ruby Chermak, of Moscow; three sisters, Mrs. Emma Stricker and Mrs. Elizabeth Burch, both of Pittsburg, Kansas, and Mrs. Harriet Stanford, Leakville, N.C.; seven grandchildren and 20 great-great grandchildren [sic].
Funeral services were Tuesday at 10 a.m. from Brower-Wann Funeral Home.
Unidentified newspaper, (undated clipping)
Transcribed by Jill Leonard Nock
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