With great sorrow, we announce the passing of Paul Hodges Ward. Paul lost his short battle with liver cancer Saturday, Dec. 24, 2011. He left this world on his own terms, a proud husband and grandpa, and his family and close friends were with him at his passing.
Paul grew up in Boise and graduated from Borah High School. He started college but was interrupted by the Vietnam War. He proudly served his country when called. He carried on in life after returning home, always with his family first. Paul lived and worked in the Boise area most of his life, as a mechanic and a service manager, retiring from Trebar Kenworth in 2009. He won many awards and citations during his employment.
He enjoyed spending his days with his grandchildren, and working in the yard, as well as helping his family with anything they asked of him. He loved the outdoors also, spending many wonderful days at the family cabin, and fishing and camping with his wife and family.
Paul was preceded in death by his parents, Walter (Gene) and Ramona Ward, and will be lovingly remembered by his wife and two sons. Paul is also survived by his brother and three sisters.
Please join us in celebrating Paul's life at 1 p.m. Saturday at the Princeton Community Center.
Lewiston Tribune, January 1, 2012 p. 5C
Transcribed by Jill Leonard Nock
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