Latah County

Obituary - Raymond Taylor

Former rancher, Raymond Taylor

Former rancher Raymond (Tip) Taylor, 78, died Sunday of an apparent heart attack at St. Joseph's Hospital in Lewiston.

Taylor, an avid sportsman, was born Sept. 29, 1902, in Chambers, Wash.., to Thomas and Georgia Taylor. When he left school he worked for Staley and Chambers Grain Elevators.

For the next 35 years he worked for the Isaksen farm family in Genesee. He resided in Lewiston for the past 13 years. He was married and divorced.

Survivors include two sisters, Ethel Pike of Pullman; Ruth Rouse of Colfax; two brothers, Silas Taylor of Prineville, Ore., and Chester Taylor of Kamiah.

The funeral will be Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Kimball Funeral home in Pullman. The Rev. Stephen Maling will officiate. Burial will be in Pullman Cemetery.

The family suggests memorials be made tot he American Heart Foundation. Kimball Funeral Home of Pullman is in charge of arrangements.

Lewiston Tribune
Transcribed by Jill Leonard Nock
(undated clipping)

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