WALLA WALLA -- Lawrence H. Sittkus, 84, died yesterday at the Veterans Hospital in Walla Walla.
Sittkus was born in 1889 in Cook County, Ill. He married Emily Larson in 1943, and spent most of his life farming at Rock Creek, Potlatch. He recently moved to Walla Walla.
Funeral services will be held Monday in the Veterans Hospital Chapel, Walla Walla. Graveside services will be held Monday at 3:30 p.m. at the Rock Cemetary [sic], Potlatch, with Rev. Harley Drollinger officiating.
Survivors include Sittkus' wife: 12 step-children -- Noreen Hornbuckle, Ed Larson, Joe Larson, Alice Cowger, all of Potlatch; Charolette Hornbuckle, Pullman, Catherine Perrin, St. Maries; Grace Heimbigner, Walla Walla; Laurence Larson, Wenatchee; Alfred Larson, Port Orchard, Wash.; Philip Larson, Newport, Ore.; Francis Larson, Phoenix, Ariz.; John Larson, Tempe, Ariz.; two sisters, Myrtle Philips, Kennewick, Wash. and Florence Baker, Portland; 51 grandchildren and 30 great-grandchildren.
The family requests donations to the Heart and Cancer Fund instead of flowers.
Unidentified newspaper, (handwritten date June 8, 1973)
Transcribed by Jill Leonard Nock
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