Mrs. Verna L. Phipps, 53, a Genesee resident since 1946, passed away Thursday, January 8th at Gritman hospital in Moscow following a lingering illness. The daughter of Joseph and Edith Wagar, she was born October 3, 1922 at Tower, N.D. She married Roy Phipps at Genesee on November 12, 1942. She was a member of the LDS.
Survivors besides her husband are one son, Garry Phipps of Seattle; five daughters, Sandra McNutt and Linda Phipps, Clarkston; Brenda Hancock, Weippe, Wanda Phipps, of Moscow, and Glenda Phipps at home. Also her mother, Mrs. Joseph Wagar of Genesee; one brother, Oscar Wagar, also of Genesee; two sisters, Mrs. Opal Benjamin and Mrs. Violet Rainey, both of Lewiston and five grandchildren.
Services were held Sunday at 2:00 p.m. from the Genesee Community Church with the Rev. Bryce McProud and Rev. Tom Wilson officiating. Larry Gee sang "In the Garden," and "The Old Rugged Cross." Mrs. Martin Stout was accompanist.
Pallbearers were Mike Longneker, Seattle; Kelly McNutt, Clarkston; Art Hancock, Weippe; Frank Reynolds, Moscow, and David Wagar and Warren Libey, both of Genesee.
Burial in Genesee City cemetery.
Unknown newspaper, (handwritten date 1976)
Transcribed by Jill Leonard Nock
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