Latah County

Obituary - Grace U. Peterson

Grace Peterson Long A Genesee Resident, Dies

Grace Ula Peterson, 77, a longtime Genesee resident, died at Spokane's Valley General Hospital Tuesday.

Mrs. Peterson divided the last 25 years of her life among out-of-state family members.

She was born March 4, 1898, to Ezra and Eva Smith, Iowa. She grew up on Camas Prairie in the Central Ridge area near Mohler, where her familiy homesteaded.

She married the late Clarence Peterson in Nezperce, May, 1938. the couple moved to Genesee where they farmed. He died in 1948.

In 1950 Mrs. Peterson moved to Spokane where she lived with her daughter Mrs. Margaret Wolfe. From there she traveled to other parts of the West, spending time with her grandchildren.

In addition to Mrs. Wolfe, survivors include a son, Eldred "Bud" Moore, Garfield; three step-sons, Burton Peterson, Brisbane, Calif.; Bill Peterson, Sun Valley, Calif.; Clarence Peterson Jr., Nampa; two sisters, Mrs. Lucille Thostenson, Clarkston; Mrs. Winnie Livengood, Lapwai; a brother, Roy Smith, Clarkston; 21 grandchildren, and 21 great-grandchildren.

Funeral services will be Monday at 1 p.m. at Short's Funeral Home. Burial will be in the Genesee Cemetery with the Rev. Mel Knight officiating. The family suggestes memorials be made to the American Cancer Society.

Unknown newspaper, (handwritten date December 1975)
Transcribed by Jill Leonard Nock

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