IDAHO CITY -- Kalman D. Pell, husband of Kay Pell and former Washington State University employe [sic] and resident of Genesee for a number of years, died yesterday, apparently of a heart attack.
Pell, 64, was on a wood-cutting excursion near here. The Pells have a vacation- retirement home in the area.
Mrs. Pell is coordinator of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act for the Idaho Department of Employment. She served one term as Latah County Assessor, 1957-61, and at one time directed the Lewiston Community Action Agency.
A former head of the WSU Division of Industrial Research design section, Pell was born Sept. 5, 1911, at South Bend, Ind. He was graduated from Purdue University in 1938 with a degree in mechanical engineering. He and Mrs. Pell were married at Morristown, N.J., Sept. 5, 1940.
He was with the U.S. Navy during World War II and the couple came to Idaho shortly after his discharge. He earned a master's degree in engineering from the Univeristy of Idaho in 1953. He worked for WSU 19 years before retiring in 1972.
The couple lived in Moscow from [sic] for 10 years before moving to Genesee in 1955. The Pells moved to Lewiston in 1966 and to Boise in 1972.
A man of varied interests, Pell was an avid fisherman and enjoyed hobbies as diverse as baking bread and citizens band radio. He also was involved with Common Cause, the citizens' lobby, and was listed in "Who's Who in the West."
Survivors, in addition to his wife, are two sons, Larry, Lewiston, and John, Virginia Beach, Va.; a sister, Mary Lease, Beverly Shores, Ind., and two grandchildren.
Memorial services are pending in Boise, with Summers Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. The family suggests memorial donations to the American Heart Association.
Unknown newspaper, (handwritten date November 11, 1975)
Transcribed by Jill Leonard Nock
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