Funeral services for Michael C. Odberg, 20, were held Friday, January 18 from the Genesee Valley Lutheran Church. Michael was killed Tuesday afternoon, January 15, when the rifle he was cleaning accidently discharged while he was in his dormitory room at the University of Idaho.
A graduate of Genesee High School, Michael was a sophomore in general studies at the University of Idaho, Moscow.
He was born February 5, 1954.
Survivors include his father, Ellis (Jim) Odberg, Genesee; his mother, Lois Mervyn, Tucson, Arizona; step-mother, Pat Odberg, Genesee; one sister, Robin Odberg, Tucson, Arizona; two half-brothers, Eric Odberg, Genesee and Jason Mervyn, Tucson; his paternal grandmother, Lillian Odberg, Genesee; and his maternal grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. H.A. Winner of Tucson, Arizona.
Final services were held at the Valley Church with the Rev. William Leed officating.
Organist was Mrs. Leon Danielson with Mrs. Martin Stout vocalist.
Pallbearers were Ray Morscheck, Bill Mayer, David Rossebo, Jim Evans, Fred DePell and Bruce Scharnhorst.
Burial was in the Genesee Valley (Note: end of pasted copy.)
Unknown newspaper, (handwritten date 1975)
Transcribed by Jill Leonard Nock
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