OAKLAND, Calif. -- Stanley H. Mullalley [sic], 50, died Friday in Oakland, Calif. He was born at Genesee, April 4, 1917, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Felix Mulalley. He lived at Genesee until 1939 with the exception of ten years spent in Washington and the California Bay area. He graduated form Genesee High School with the class of 1939.
He has since lived in Oakland where he was employed at Moore Dry Dock as a foreman in sheet metal work. He was married to Edwina Layton in Reno, Nev., July 28, 1953.
Mr. Mullalley [sic] had been in ill health for many years but had visited in Idaho last summer.
Survivors include his widow, Edwina, at home; two sisters, Arlene McCrery, Clarkston, Wash., and Marlene Grady, Palouse, Wash.; one niece and nephew, Donna and Michael Carbuhn, Palouse; one aunt, Mrs. Leona Geltz of Genesee; three uncles, Roy E. Edwards, Genesee and Harry and Len Edwards of Lewiston.
The body was cremated in Oakland.
The family suggests memorials be made to the Cancer Society.
Unidentified newspaper, (handwritten date October 27, 1967)
Transcribed by Jill Leonard Nock
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