MOSCOW -- Sister Mary Ursula McVee, who died Thursday afternoon at the age of 78, taught nursery school, kindergarten and first grade at Moscow for nearly 60 years as a member of the Ursuline religious order.
Sr. Ursula attended the Ursuline Academy at Great Falls, Mont., before coming to Moscow in 1914. She entered the sisterhood two years later and in July, 1918, professed her religious vows at the order's novitiate at Fishkill, N.Y.
She returned to Moscow where she established the St. Rose Kindergarten and Nursery in 1940. The kindergarten, located in the order's old convent, was expanded in 1950 and a new one opened with the new convent in 1968. Sr. Ursula continued teaching until she retired a few years ago.
She was born Johanna Elizabeth McVee Nov. 16, 1896 at Elk Point, S.D., the daughter of James and Katherine McVee. Her parents died when she was young and a sister, also a member of the Ursuline order, died in 1963. There are no known survivors.
Rosary for Sr. Ursula was recited Friday night. Requiem Mass will be celebrated Saturday at 11 a.m. at St. Mary's Catholic Church with the Rev. Kenneth Arnzen officiating. Burial will follow at Moscow Catholic Cemetery. Short's Funeral Chapel is in charge of arrangements.
The Ursuline sisters here suggested establishment of a memorial scholarship fund for the St. Rose Kindergarten and Nursery.
Unknown newspaper, September 1975
Transcribed by Jill Leonard Nock
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