MOSCOW -- Anna Manderfeld, 76, a lifelong resident of Genesee, died Thursday at 7:10 p.m. at the Latah Nursing Home here of infirmities of age. She was the widow of Henry Manderfeld.
Mrs. Manderfeld was active in St. Mary's Catholic Church at Genesee and its altar society for many years. She lived in town until entering the nursing home at Moscow in 1967.
She was born March 28, 1897, to John and Sophia Kambitsch. She was married to Manderfeld Nov. 2, 1916. He drove school bus and trucks and worked at a variety of jobs. He died in 1954.
Survivors include two sons, Ormond, Kendrick, and Donald, Moscow; four daughters, Sister Mary Catherine, Cottonwood; Irene Hickman, Clarkston; Dorothy Wolf and Bernice Miller, both of Colfax; one brother, John Kambitsch, Moscow; a sister, Sophia Marineau, Moscow; 10 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
Rosary will be recited Sunday at 7:30 p.m. at Short's Funeral Chapel at Moscow. Requiem mass will be celebrated Monday at 10 a.m. at St. Mary's Catholic Church of Genesee with the Rev. Edward T. Cope as celebrant. Burial will be in Genesee Catholic Cemetery.
Unknown newspaper, (handwritten date January 17, 1974)
Anna Manderfeld, 76, a lifelong resident of Genesee, died January 17 at 7:10 p.m. at the Latah Nursing Home in Moscow of infirmities of age. She was the widow of Henry Manderfeld.
Mrs. Manderfeld was active in St. Mary's Catholic Church at Genesee and its altar society for many years. She lived in town until entering the nursing home at Moscow in 1967.
She was born March 20, 1897, to John and Sophia Kambitsch. She was married to Manderfeld Nov. 2, 1916. He drove school bus and trucks and worked at a variety of jobs. He died in 1954.
Other survivors include two sons, Ormond, Kendrick and Donald, Moscow; four daughters, Sister Mary Catherine, Cottonwood; Irene Hickman, Clarkston; Dorothy Wolf and Bernice Miller, both of Colfax; one brother, John Kambitsch, Moscow; a sister, Sophia Marineau, Moscow; 10 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
Rosary was recited Sunday at 7:30 p.m. at Short's Chapel at Moscow.
Requiem mass was celebrated Monday at 10 a.m. at St. Mary's Catholic Church of Genesee with the Rev. Fr. Edward T. Cope as celebrant.
Mrs. Glen Baumgartner was soloist and Mrs. Wilson Esser organist.
Pallbearers were Elmor Kraut, Wilson Esser, Alfred Hasfurther, Lawrence Hasfurther, Andrew Grieser, and Herman Mayer.
Burial will be in Genesee Catholic Cemetery.
Unknown newspaper, Thursday, January 24, 1974
Transcribed by Jill Leonard Nock
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