Latah County

Obituary - Myra A. Lee

Mrs. Myra Lee, 42, a Genesee resident since 1961, lost a long and gallant struggle against the complications of diabetes Wednesday morning at Gritman Hospital in Moscow.

She was born July 8, 1923, at Cathay, North Dakota, the daughter of Albin and Mamie Kanikkeberg. She moved to Kendrick, Idaho with her family in 1936 and attended school at that town. Following graduation from Kendrick High School, she entered nurses training at Deaconess Hospital in Spokane.

On June 28, 1942, she married Judson Lee at San Diego, California. They later moved to Kendrick where they resided until 1961 when they moved to Genesee to operate Genesee Hardware Co. and Lee's Store. She was a member of Canyon Chapter, O. E. S., at Kendrick, and was a member of St John's Lutheran Church, Genesee.

Surviving are her husband, at home; two sons, Ralph, 18, and Mark 9, both of Genesee; her parents at Kendrick; two sisters, Mrs. Jack (Donna) Lohman and Mrs. Burt (Ann) Souders, both of Kendrick; two brothers, Ozzie of Genesee and Jordon, of McFarland, California, and her grandfather, Andrew Erickson, Seattle.

The funeral will be at 11 am Saturday, March 12, at St. John's Lutheran Church with the Rev. William Bash officiating. Burial will be at the Genesee Lutheran Cemetery. Brower-Wann Funeral Home of Lewiston is in charge of arrangements.

The family requests that memorials be contributions to the church's memorial fund.

Unidentified newspaper, (undated clipping)

Funeral Services Saturday for Mrs. Myra Lee

Funeral services for Mrs. Myra Arlene Lee, 42, who passed away Wednesday, were conducted Saturday at 11 a.m. at St. John's Lutheran church with the Rev. William Bash, pastor, officiating.

The church choir sang hymns, accompanied by Mrs. Neal Kinyon.

Pallbearers, all from Kendrick and Genesee areas, were Robert Watts, David Clayton, James Reece, Kenneth Jenkins, Eli Rice, and John Hoduffer. Honorary bearers were Raphael Linehan, Vernon Peterson, Leon Danielson, Lester Wallace, Frank Abrams, and Richard Blewett. Burial was in St. John's Cemetery.

Unidentified newspaper, (undated clipping)
Transcribed by Jill Leonard Nock

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