Harold Lee, 76, former Genesee resident passed away in a Coeur d'Alene Hospital Mar. 27 following a lengthy illness.
Funeral services were conducted March 30 at 2 p.m. at the English Funeral Chapel in Post Falls with the Rev. Stanton McClenny officiating. Organist and vocalist: Miss Evelyn Seyforth.
Active pallbearers: Jim Miller, Virgil Wagner, Sid Miller, Ray French, Paul White and Lloyd Wagner.
Honorary: Elmo Morris, Carl Trolin, Harold Mickle, Harold Mikelson, Roy Keene and Leo Boyer.
Military rites at Graveside by Veterans Council. Evergreen Cemetery, Post Falls.
Survivors include his wife, Frances, at the family home; one daughter, Dorothy Allen, Post Falls; Dick of Coeur d'Alene; Donald of Spokane, and Bud, who is stationed in Korea.
Harold was a good friend and neighbor and will be greatly missed by his many Genesee friends. The entire community extends deepest sympathy to the Lee family.
Unidentified newspaper, (handwritten date 1974)
Transcribed by Jill Leonard Nock
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