Latah County

Obituary - Anna M. Harris

Mrs. Anna M. Harris Passes November 23

Mrs. Anna Margarette (Downing) Harris, 88, passed away Thursday, November 23 at Gritman Hospital, Moscow, following a long illness.

Mrs. Harris was born August 17, 1879 at Redwing, Minnesota. In 1882 she moved with her family to South Dakota, later moving to Lewiston, Idaho.

On September 6, 1905 she was united in marriage to Archie Harris at Lewiston. In 1910, Mr. and Mrs. Harris moved to Genesee, where she had since made her home. Her husband passed away May 4, 1937.

Survivors include three sons, LeRoy Harris of Genesee, Robert and Richard of Spokane; two daughters, Mrs. Harry Baker, of Walla Walla, Washington, Mrs. Roy Weeks, of Seattle, Washington, 14 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. A daughter passed away August 23, 1918.
Funeral services were held from the Genesee Community Church Monday, November 27 at 2 p.m. with the Rev. John Moore officiating.

Mrs. Elvon Hampton, organist, accompanied Mrs. Martin Stout, who sang "Joy in The Morning," and "Sunshine and Rain."

Pallbeareres were Wm. Rader, Walter Currin, Mahlon Follett, Clarence Trail, Glen Brazier and Don Springer.

Burial in Genesee City Cemetery.

Unidentified newspaper, (undated clipping)
Transcribed by Jill Leonard Nock

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