The funeral service for Henry J. Halverson, 87, who passed away Thursday, March 23 at Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane were held Monday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. at St. John's Lutheran Church with the Rev. Christian Oswood officiating.
Pastor Oswood sang, "Jesus Savior, Pilot Me," and "Beautiful Savior," accompanied by Mrs. Oswood.
Pallbearers were Lars J. Liberg, LeRoy V. Harris, Donald E. Springs, Howard Blume, Jack Nebelsieck, and Paul Parks.
Burial followed in the Genesee Valley cemetery.
Mr. Halverson was born December 12, 1884, six miles north of Genesee, and had spent most of his life in the Genesee area.
He married Alma Erickson at Moscow in 1909.
A retired farmer and carpenter, he was a member of the St. John's Lutheran church.
Survivors include his wife, Alma, and two brothers Eddie and Ingle Halverson of Spokane, and a sister, Mrs. Walter Driscoll, of Moscow.
Unidentified newspaper, (handwritten date 1972)
Transcribed by Jill Leonard Nock
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