Latah County

Obituary - Kyra K. Grieser

Kyra Kay Grieser, Infant Daughter, Passes Syddenly

Kyra Kay Grieser, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Grieser, Genesee, died suddenly late Saturday night of infant crib syndrome.

She was born December 25, 1974, at Pullman. Survivors besides her parents, include her paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Grieser of Genesee, her maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Smith of Stevensville, Mont., and a great-grandfather, William Wesselman of Doroche, B.C.

Requiem mass was held Tuesdsay at 2:00 pm. at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Genesee with the Rev. Urban Schmidt officiating. Burial was at the Genesee Catholic Cemetery.

A Saddened Community

It was a shocked and saddened community that learned of the sudden, untimely passing of Kyra Kay, and the anguished sympathy of all goes out to her parents in their grief.

The question "Why?" must surely be in the minds of all who know the family, but there is no answer. There can be only the reluctant acceptance of what is.

No acts can console, no words can comfort and no tears can wash away the sorrow. Those of us who love Ray and Nancy can only hope that time, the great healer of all wounds, will slowly dull the pain which is now theirs and move the memory of Kyra Kay to a quieter spot in their hearts leaving them only the joy of having known and loved this precious gift.
-- Bill

Unknown newspaper, (no date)
Transcribed by Jill Leonard Nock

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This page was last updated 03/20/2025