KAMIAH -- One youth was killed and two others were injured when the vehicle in which they were riding failed to negotiate a curve eight miles west of here on State Highway 62 about 1:30 a.m. Saturday.
Killed was David Alan Fallwell, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Fallwell, Kamiah. In critical condition at Sacred Heart Hospital, Spokane, was his brother, Michael Fallwell, 20. Injured in the same accident and in fair condition at St. Mary's Hospital in Cottonwood was Charles Nickel, 20, son of Kamiah Mayor and Mrs. John Nickel. Nickel suffered facial lacerations.
The injured were taken to St. Mary's Hospital and Michael Fallwell was flown to Spokane for treatment of head injuries.
Idaho State Patrolman Jack Brumbaugh, who investigated the accident, said the youths were thrown from the 1961 Chevrolet sedan which was driven by Nickel, a student at Idaho State University at Pocatello.
David Fallwell was a student at Lewis-Clark Normal School at Lewiston where he was enrolled in vocational auto mechanics. He had completed one year in vocational auto mechanics training at Boise College.
He was born April 14, 1948 at Genesee and lived with his family on a nearby ranch until after he completed the seventh grade. The Fallwells moved to Spokane about 1959 and resided there until about 1961 when they moved to Kamiah where his father operates a service station.
Fallwell attended high school at Kamiah and was graduated in 1961 [sic]. He was a member of the Community Christian Church at Genesee.
Fallwell was engaged to marry Sharon Harris of Kamiah. They had planned a summer wedding.
Survivors include his parents and a sister, Mrs. Jane Casper, of Moscow; and his maternal grandfather, Pete Isaksen, Hood River, Ore.
The body is at Robertson-Hansen Funeral Home, Kamiah.
Lewiston Morning Tribune, January 28, 1968, p. 18
Transcribed by Jill Leonard Nock
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