Latah County

Obituary - Mabel Emmett

Funeral October 10 For Mrs. Mabel Emmett, 93

Mabel Emmett, 93, a resident of Genesee since 1906, died Monday, October 6, 1975 at Gritman Memorial hospital, Moscow. Mrs. Emmett had lived at Paradise Villa nursing home for the past 8 years.

Mrs. Emmett was born July 1, 1882 near Tina, Missouri, in Carroll County, the youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. David Snider. She married her childhood sweetheart, Robert E. Emmett, December 26, 1906 leaving the next morning for Genesee where Mr. Emmett was teaching school. In the 1920's and 1930's they owned and operated a general store in Genesee.

She was a member of the Gensee Community church and the primary superintendent for approximately 40 years. She was the Sunday School's accompanist and also gave private music lessons. She was a member of the Order of Eastern Star and of the Pythian Sisters.

She is survived by a son, Leland, of Genesee and a daughter, Eloise Runyan of Glendale, Calif., and two grandsons.

Funeral services were conducted Friday afternoon at Genesee Community church with Rev. Bryce McProud and Rev. Melford Knight officiating. Mrs. Martin Stout was vocalist and Mrs. Elvon Hampton, pianist.

Pallbearers wer Ronald Geltz, Don Springer, Wm. Haxton, Jr., Ben Cook, Kenneth Aherin and Thorvald Gilje. Honorary bearers were Forrest Durbin, Lloyd Wilson, Glen Brazier, Adrian Nelson, Merle Roberts, Marion Holben.

Committment [sic], City Cemetery.

Unknown newspaper, (handwritten date 1975)
Transcribed by Jill Leonard Nock

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