Victor S. Casebolt, 64, native of Genesee and long-time employee of Washington Water Power Co., died suddenly at 9:30 p.m. yesterday about dinner time at his home, E. 512 High Drive, Spokane.
Born Oct. 18, 1904, Casebolt attended grammar and high school at Genesee and the University of Idaho before accepting part-time employment with WWP in 1921.
June 9, 1924, he became full time stock clerk and combination man for the company. In 1931 Casebolt was promoted to district manager at Tekoa; he became district manager at Colfax in 1936 and at Moscow in 1948.
He was appointed Palouse Division manager with headquarters at Pullman on May 1, 1953 and was promoted to manager of the personnel and industrial relations department at Spokane Sept. 1, 1958.
On May 8, 1959 Casebolt became WWP vice president of personnel and industrial relations, a postion he held at the time of his death.
Casebolt had been active in the Boy Scouts of America; he was a member of the board of Goodwill Industries; a member of Downtown Kiwanis, Spokane; Lilac Festival Board; Chapter 34, International Footprint Assoc.; Vandal Boosters; Advisory Board, Spokane Community Action Council; Spokane Chamber of Commerce; Municipal League; U.S. Good Roads Assoc.; Inland Empire Science Fair Board, Pacific Northwest Personnel Managers Assoc. and many electric industry organizations. He was also a member of Manito Presbyterian Church.
He was married June 9, 1931, to the former Elizabeth Sheffels, of Wilbur, Wash., who survives at the home.
Other survivors include a son, Victor S. Jr., Paris, France; two daugthers, Mrs. Robert (Judith) Howells, New York City; and Mrs. David (Caroline) Westendorf, Red Buff, Calif.; a brother, Walter Casebolt, Bainbridge Island, Wash. and three sisters, Mrs. Paul Sprague, San Leandro, Calif.; Mrs. William Ritchie, Fairbanks, Alaska and Mrs. Noel Leavitt, Moscow and seven grandchildren.
The body is at Ball and Dodd Funeral Home, Spokane, with funeral arrangements pending.
Unidentified newspaper, (handwritten date October 23, 1968)
Transcribed by Jill Leonard Nock
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