George C. Carbuhn, 83, a retired wheat farmer and a resident of Lewiston for 20 years, died of the infirmities of age at 11:45 Friday night, October 1 at Lewiston Manor. He had been ill for several weeks.
He was born March 15, 1882 at Uniontown, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Carbuhn, pioneer homsteaders of the Uniontown area. He received his schooling at Uniontown and W. S. U. and grew to maturity there.
He married Edith Lanphier there July 12, 1905. He farmed in the Uniontown area until 1908, moving then to the Genesee area where he and his wife farmed.
In earlier days he was a breeder of fine draft horses in connetion with his diversified farming.
He farmed unil 1945, when he retired and moved to Lewiston. He had lived there since. His home at the time of his death was at the Justice Apartment.
He was a member of the Christian Church.
Survivors include his widow at home; two sons, Harold, of St. Maries, and Estil, of Genesee; a daughter, Mrs. Rowe Bennett, Lewiston; seven grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Monday at 11:00 a.m. from Vassar Rawls Funeral Home. The Rev. Walter J. Neeley, pastor of the Church of the Open Bible, officiating. Elvon Hampton sang, accompanied by his wife. Organist was John Bennett.
Pallbearers were Don Jain and Denis Jain, both of Bovill; Raymond C. Stout and Sheldon Russell, both of Genesee; and Ray Helbling and Robert H. Bottjer, both of Moscow.
Honorary pallbearers were W. T. Wagner, J. Peter Zenner and Phil Schooler, of all Lewiston, and Ben Jutte and Herman F. Isaksen, both of Clarkston. Burial was at Normal Hll Cemetery.
Lewiston Tribune, (handwritten date 1965)
Transcribed by Jill Leonard Nock
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