Laura B. Burr, 81, a lifelong resident of the Genesee-Uniontown area, died Wednesday at Richland where she had been visiting a son.
Mrs. Burr was nearly blind, and she was injured seriously in a fall several weeks ago.
She was a retired schoolteacher and the widow of William M. Burr, who also was a member of a pioneer Genesee family. Burr, a real estate and insurance agent, died in 1956. The Burr Building at Genesee was named after the family.
Mrs. Burr was born Feb. 8, 1895, at Uniontown to Benjamin and Emma Elder Phipps, and she lived the last 75 years at Genesee. She had been spending recent winters with her son, daughter and other relatives and returning to Genesee for the summers.
She was a member of the Genesee Community Church, the Christian Women's Fellowship, the Progressive Club and the Linger Longer Club.
Survivors include her son, Homer P. of Richland, her daughter, Betty Ofstad of Seattle, a sister, Kate Crowley of Tacoma, and four grandchildren.
The funeral will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. at the Genesee Community Church with the Rev. Bryce McProud officiating. Burial will be at the Genesee City Cemetery with Einan's Funeral Home of Richalnd in charge.
Unknown newspaper, (handwritten date November 17, 1976)
Transcribed by Jill Leonard Nock
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