GENESEE -- Nellie A. Brazier, 67, farm wife noted for her blue-ribbon cooking and canning entries at the Latah County Fair, died Saturday evening at the Pullman Convalescent Center. She had suffered from cancer for some time and most recently was hospitalized in Spokane.
Mrs. Brazier was born Nov. 15, 1912, near Leland, southeast of Kendrick. She grew up on a farm there and graduated from Kendrick High School.
She was married to Glen H. Brazier, a Genesee farmer, in 1940. They made their home on a farm east of Genesee. She was an avid gardener and was known as an excellent cook and homemaker.
Mrs. Brazier was a member of the Genesee Community Church where she served for many years as a deaconess and was active in its women's fellowship.
Survivors include her husband at the farm home; two sons, Donald L. Brazier of Leesville, La., and Roger M. Brazier of Boise; a brother, Cifford Woodward of Hillsdale, Calif., and two grandchildren. A brother, Erwin Woodward, died previously.
The funeral will be Wednesday at 11 a.m. at the Genesee Community Church with the Rev. Roger Herndon officiating. Burial will be in the Genesee City Cemetery.
The family suggests any memorials to the Genesee Community Church.
Short's Chapel is in charge of arrangements.
Unidentified newspaper, (handwritten date August 16, 1980)
Transcribed by Jill Leonard Nock
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