Formation of Territorial Government in 1863 — Pioneer Settlements — Difficulties in Crossing the Clearwater — Early Reminiscences of Hon. Willis Sweet — Danger from the Coeur d'Alene Indians— Bannock Indian War of 1878 — Rapid Settlement of the Palouse Country — Fourth Session of the Territorial Legislature — O. R. & N. Railroad Reaches Moscow — Grand Celebration on Arrival of First Train — Quest of the Argonauts for Golden Treasure — The Hoodoo Mines — Attempt to Remove County Seat — Question of Annexation — Scheme to Elect Two Sets of County Officials
Latah County Organized by Congress — The Only Instance on Record — Text of the Act — Appointment of County Officers — Official Report of Initial Election— Population in 1890 — Political Campaign of That Year — Pioneers of Latah County — People's Party Enters the Political Arena — Financial Troubles — Changes for the Better— Political Campaign of 1894 — Educational Matters — Latah County in the National Campaign of 1896 — Patriotism of Latah County in the Spanish War — Prohibition Party Enters the Field in 1898 — Tragedy of August 4, 1901 — Prosperous Conditions
Moscow — The Pioneer of the Valley — Energy of Man Overcomes Obstacles — Paradise Valley — Indian Troubles of 1877 — State University — Annexation Excitement Responsible for its Location — Curriculum — Faculty of the Institution — Kendrick — Foundation of the Town — Conflagration of 1893 — Present Business Development — Genesee — Conditions Which Have Brought It From a Small Village to a Thriving Town — Troy — Serious Fire of 1893 — Juliaetta
The Hills of the Palouse — Soil and Climate — Character of the Country — Seasons Conducive to Good Health — Principal Agricultural Industry — The "Big Red Apple of the Palouse" — Moscow Country — Wheat Industry — Abundant Yield of Vegetables — Tramways of the Potlatch Country — The Genesee Valley — Productiveness of Soil — Cattle Raising — "The Great American Hog" — Hay — Cereals
Aldrich, Benjamin F 701
Anderson, Almarine A 714
Anderson, George W 699
Anderson, John A 694
Anderson, John I 711
Anderson, Martin 682
Anderson, Thom 676
Atchison, Edward P 728
Barton, Robert H 636
Bartroff, William 708
Bean, Walter W 653
Beardsley, O 747
Beardsley, Orton W 639
Beasley, Richard 654
Bechtel, Martin 662
Beckman, August 710
Bell, Robert J 640
Belvail, William R 690
Berry, Franklin M 705
Berry, James D 686
Biddison, Amon K 701
Biram, William L 657
Booth, George M 744
Bottjer, John 724
Bowers, Stephen A 715
Bowles, Rufus M 723
Bowman, Charles E 672
Brillhart, George H 716
Broemmling, Barnev 708
Buchanan, William A 737
Bundy, Harvey J 633
Burdie, Fredric F 680
Burger, Christ 735
Burke, Edward L 746
Burr, Homer E 735
Byrns, Bayard T 746
Callison, Samuel P 714
Cameron, Daniel 633
Cameron, Murdock 650
Campbell, Frank 709
Canfield, Homer W 675
Carter, William 639
Chambers, Samuel T 671
Chandler, Charles 700
Chaney, Livey J 700
Chapman, David 742
Charles, Alexander H 667
Christie, Thomas H 665
Clark, James W 654
Clark, Theodore 638
Clyde, Peter 695
Cobbs, Hartzell 669
Colburn, Alfred 696
Cole, Ezra L 734
Collins, James H 634
Collins, Joseph R 648
Comer, William A 660
Cone, Benjamin F 690
Copeland, Lloyd D 684
Crocker, John S 730
Crooks, Birt 706
Crowley, Thomas 744
Dailey, James E 668
Dale, William P 653
Danielson, Gustav 687
Davidson, Joseph 719
Davis, David R 720
Davis, William W 670
DePartee, Joseph C 727
Dobson, Arthur A 732
Doughartv, George H 723
Driskel, Daniel W 737
Dygert, Albert 637
Ebel, Charley 740
Ely, Wellington L 634
Emerson, James M 719
Erichson, Henry 645
Estes, Archie B 644
Evits, Michael 724
Flomer, Henry 733
Frazier, William M 713
Freeze, John 714
Freeze, John P 692
Freeze, Michael C 693
Gale, George W 641
Gamble, Daniel 742
Geiger, Joseph 666
Gilbert, Horace E 712
Gower, Charles H 642
Grant, James 697
Green, Albert J 643
Green, Joseph M 657
Griner, George W 666
Griner, John E 651
Gummere, Currency A 726
Hadley, George W 737
Hafer, John J 691
Halliday, Andrew E 643
Halverson, John 703
Hanson, Christian 698
Hanson, Henry 691
Haon, John B 676
Harreld, John H 700
Harrison, Jacob L 658
Hart, Nelson 729
Hasfurdher, J Nicholas 657
Hawkins, Herbert L 677
Hawley, N M 728
Headington, William M 656
Heick, John J 647
Heinrich, Xavier 659
Hill, George W P 733
Hjelm, John 692
Hobart, Charles 738
Holbrook, Noyes B 702
Holt, Charles B 748
Hopkins, Liles A 715
Horton, John H 704
Howell, Albert 698
Howell, Henry 649
Hunt, Daniel 725
Hutchison, James 664
Hutchison, John H 665
Irvine, Landon C 638
Johann, Peter 665
Johnson, August 695
Johnson, Casper 682
Johnson, Eli M 687
Johnston, John D 733
Johnston, Joseph C 732
Jones, Benjamin J 649
Jones, Fred W 674
Kambitch, Jacob 731
Kincaid, James M 717
Kinman, Cyrus L 673
Kluss, Theodor 664
Knowles, Oliver W 686
Kresselt, Frederick P 660
Kunes, James D 651
Lackner, Daniel 670
Langdon, George 637
Langdon, Samuel J 751
Larson, Oscar 649
Lauder, William C 746
Lazelle, Isaac W 699
Lazelle, Sumner C 718
Leasure, William H 645
Leonard, Frank L 646
Lestoe, Hans J 634
Lieuallen, Almon A 635
Long, Napoleon B 668
Lynd, Andrew 678
Madison, Canud 739
Madsen, Niels 740
Maguire, William S 726
Mallery, Herman W 734
Manwaring, John 654
May, Frank 709
McBane, Gillis J 681
McCann, Charles W 641
McClellan, Joseph L 722
McCown, Louis B 683
McCoy, Hamlin 677
McKenzie, Angus 688
McKenzie, Donald 749
Michael, George W 685
Michelson, Lewis 711
Miller, Isaac S 663
Miller, Jacob H 688
Miller, James L 647
Miller, John C 672
Mochel, Benjamin F 662
Mochel, George L 659
Moore, Charles 750
Morey, Oscar V 698
Muncey, Marion F 658
Munson, Charles J 713
Naylor, John L 751
Nelson, August 702
Nelson, Christian 702
Normoyle, Michael C 731
Notman, David, Jr 694
Oderlin, Charles H 721
Olson, Nicholas 678
Olson, Olof 671
Otness, Ole 691
Owen, John J 741
Palmer, Charles W 748
Palmer, Elmer P 722
Pauls, Peter 705
Paulson, Jennie 646
Persen, Nils P 683
Peterson, Oliver S 686
Pickering, Rees 655
Pierce, George W 752
Platt, Edward T 669
Pledger, John W 679
Poindexter, Thomas S 635
Randall, Virgil 721
Randolph, John S 745
Ray, Charles E 730
Rayburn, Frank 740
Ream, John 684
Rekdahl, Benedick B 681
Richardson, Richard F 694
Rielly, Joseph 743
Rietman, Ulrich C 661
Riley, Theadore 697
Roberts, A Henry 707
Roberts, John 730
Rogers, Henry M 655
Ross, James W 679
Rudd, Bryant M 718
Sardam, Porter D 705
Sawyer, George H 703
Scharbach, Paul 707
Scharnhorst, Charley J 712
Scbarnhorst, Christian 720
Scharnhorst, Fred 717
Schuh, Louis P 747
Sharp, Jasper P 704
Shields, Charles W 642
Shields, M J 652
Sievers, George 734
Sievert, Goswin 682
Silvey, Samuel T 723
Sisk, Lewis 710
Smith, Andrew J 688
Smith, Charles F 674
Smith, Henry C 652
Smith, Hezekiah M 701
Smith, Marques L 650
Smith, Thomas A 738
Sprenger, Joseph 725
Stanford, Norman A 645
Starner, John A 693
Stinson, Thomas 671
Strong, James R 648
Sullivan, John 719
Sullivan, John S 680
Swenson, Engel C 675
Tharp, William W 689
Tegland, George 659
Thomas, Homer A 700
Thomas, Martin V 711
Thompson, William N 667
Tierney, Thomas 727
Towne, Charles B 651
Tucker, George W 743
Tuckey, Elias 741
Tritt, Samuel H 739
Tweedt, Hans C J 663
Urquhart, David 749
Vandevanter, Moses 736
Vandewalker, C V 744
Vassar, James R 676
Visby, Niels J 640
Wahl, Christian 673
Walker, George W 736
Weber, Gottfried 750
Webster, Frank W 689
Welch, William M 656
Whetstine, Robert S 708
Willcox, David J 716
Williams, Andrew D 685
Wilson, James T 647
Wolfe, George W 749
Wolfenberger, James A 736
Wolheter, Washington 696
Woodworth, Ray 745
Yarbrough, John B 661
Yockey, Charles W 641
Young, George E 729
Young, William W 644
Extracted 2021 Apr 23 by Norma Hass, from An Illustrated History of North Idaho: embracing Nez Perces, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone counties, published in 1903.
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