Latah County

Lutheran Church at Arrow

I am investigating Groseclose family history. Among other items, I am trying to document some early photos of church and other social gatherings in the Arrow-Juliaetta area featuring Groseclose family members. Those that I have documented to date are posted on my personal web site:

The photo that I am currently most keen to document is below. It is a wide-format photo taken (I believe) at a circa-1915 celebration of the establishment of a new Lutheran Church at Arrow. I believe the photo was taken by my grandfather, David (DP) Shrewsberry. Several family members are already identified in the photo. However, I wish to find a 'clean' copy of the photo, if one exists, and also to gather any added information that might be had about the photo. Perhaps some Latah county genealogists would recognize the photo (or perhaps they know of other photos attributable to my grandfather during the period he resided in the county, 1915-1919).

Contributed by Dean DeRosa

Design by Templates in Time

This page was last updated 09/23/2023